



We specialise in advanced biometric and consular management solutions








We work with the public and private sector, and with technological consultancy firms and hardware companies


Over 10 years’ experience in the biometrics field

International projects

We developed the European VIS project for Spain

Consular management

We specialise in visa and passport management


We wish to expand this expertise internationally

Activity sectors

Adminstracio Publica

Public administration

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Directorate General of the Police (DGP) of the Ministry of Home Affairs…

Empreses Internacionals

International companies

We offer visa and passport management outsourcing services

Solucions especialitzades

We create specialised solutions

We cooperate with IT companies such as Tecnocom and Informática El Corte Inglés, and even with hardware manufacturers like 3M.

These collaborations are always related to the security and identity field.